Posts Tagged Nikon 85 mm 1.4G
September 15, 2013

Hope you guys have a fast internet connection because this is going to be a fairly large post loaded with awesome memories. I met Tony and Alex through my good friend Mouazam Malik. Tony is a photographer as well and when he asked us to shoot his wedding I was quite surprised. As photographers you can imagine that how analytical we can be of pictures and its awesome to hear that he trusts our work.

Its been a while since I have captured a wedding, and I think we did an awesome job. Tony and Alex you are welcome to disagree 🙂 I have been to weddings, but I don’t think I have been to a wedding reception where the guests danced their hearts out. It even pumped me up seeing everybody on the dance floor. Even I was semi dancing while taking the pics 🙂

In the pics posted below Moe captured the groom and the groomsmen.


September 15, 2013

Sanju lives in NY, Belda in SC and myself in AL. As you can imagine finding a good time that works for everyone can sometimes be challenging. So at my request the day after their engagement we headed out to Peachtree Park in Atlanta @ 7AM. Sanju was thrilled about getting ready by 7AM after only getting a few hours of sleep; just kidding. It’s funny the things that we do for the person we love. Sanju was tired but toughed it out for Belda 🙂 Even though we all managed to only get a few hours of sleep we headed up in the quiet Sunday morning to Atlanta.

For those familiar with Peacthree Park its similar to Central Park in NYC. However I prefer Central Park for its history and free entertainment. I hope you guys remember this day in addition to your engagement and hope it was worth the early ride.