Archive for January, 2014
January 15, 2014

I have been wanting to do a photoshoot for quite sometime partly to improve my shooting style as well as to explore the Kodak and Fuji medium format film. I have also been wanting to do a film vs. digital shoot for quite sometime and finally everything came into place. So to do this shoot, I needed a model and that’s where Alex came into play. I work with Alex and she was happy to be my wonderful model.

So the first three frames are digital and rest of them are all film. I got a chance to use my Mamiya medium format camera for this fun shoot. Its not all the time I bust the 15 lb camera out so I was really excited to use it on this shoot. From this gear its becoming very obvious that film hasn’t lost its edge.

Location scouting is always a great challenge when you are new to the area but I think this setting worked out well. These pictures were on par with my digital pics and I enjoyed the fact that I was able to keep all my film shots. When you shoot film it forces you think hard because each click costs $$$ and you can’t review your LCD.  Props to Indiefilmlab for processing/scanning the roll.

I hope to do more of these shoots to broaden my skill set as well to use all the gear that I have at my disposal. I love shooting medium format and it has a certain character than 35mm cameras just don’t match.  Thank you Alex for being such a great model. Hope you all enjoyed the set.