Archive for March, 2010
March 18, 2010

Never did I imagine that I would see some of my friends, neighbors, family friends etc. from 5th grade. It was a good time to see the people that I used to play hide & seek, soccer, cricket, caroms and tons of other games with after so many years. It’s amazing to see how time flies right by us, and we just coast along for the ride. 🙂 It was definitely fun seeing everybody for such a short period of time. Obviously now I have pictures to keep those memories with me 🙂

I have posted more pictures on facebook if you would like to see more.

March 10, 2010

Last Saturday our church along with the rest of the churches in the world celebrated the World Day of Prayer remembering and commemorating  the faith of the women in Cameroon. The day was celebrated with the sister churches in Detroit. It was a great time to see the different presentations and skits performed by the adults and the little ones 🙂 Well here are a few snaps from last Saturday. I have posted more pictures on facebook, so feel free to head over there to see more pictures. Hope all who attended the day had a great time.